Make a difference
to Harvey's life. Give
him support, through
your donation. This
will enable us to buy
the best limbs,
resources and
equipment in the

Thank you so much.

Thank You All For
Your Donations.

Latest Pages - You need Internet Explorer to view these pages

Harvey Gets New Walking & Running Legs From Hanger Prosthetics Florida April 2010


Daily Mirror
Boy who lost both
his legs to
meningitis scoops
four gold medals at
international championships for
disabled athletes
- 5/07/2011
Enfield Independent
Brave amputee Harvey, 5, starts school with new

22 Sept 2010
Enfield Independent
Great North runner races for Enfield schoolboy Harvey Parry
16 Sept 2010
Daily Mirror
Meningitis boy
Harvey Parry starts school with new hi-tech legs
17 Sept 2010
Daily Mirror
Harvey's got new
legs.. all thanks to Mirror readers
5 May 2010
BBC News
Cash found for London meningitis boy's prosthetic

9 April 2010

Daily Mirror
Enfield Advertiser
ABC7 News
Harvey Makes

24th July 09
Tottenham and Wood Green Journal
Enfield Advertiser

Bank Account Details UK
Name: Harvey Parry Appeal Fund
Barclays Bank: Sort Code: 20-29-90
Account No:10628034
Events For Harvey 2007 Page
To all the wonderful people that have held events in support of Harvey,
Thank you so much for your support.

Thameside Labour Hire - Sponsored Bike Ride
15th July 2007

What a fabulous crew, john's work agency, Thameside labour force staff. Gave up their sunday to do this event, which started at 7.30am at Victoria park- east London to Southend on Sea.

They did a grueling bike ride, up & down hills, through pain & muscle ache.

They raised £650.00. Thank you Thameside Labour Hire so much for your
fantastic effort.

Thameside labour hire bike ride

11 August 07

We would like to thank ben tv and their viewers for their continued support, through allowing us to make a appeal on your saturday 1 0oclock show the Harvey Parry Appeal fund has been donated £1050.19 in total from tour generous and caring viewers. thank you Ben tv and a special thank you to your supportive viewers.

Sponsored Walk Over The Bridges Of London
2nd September 2007
Sponsored Walk Over The Bridges Of London  1
Sponsored Walk Over The Bridges Of London 2
Sponsored Walk Over The Bridges Of London 3

Jeff Campbell & Leslie Lewis walked the ten bridges of London

They raised £1,710. What great sports to give up their sunday & organise this great event for Harvey.

Jeff & Leslie - you are truly angels from god, Thank you so much for your time & effort.

Sponsored Walk Over The Bridges Of London 4

Rotary Club Edmonton Garden Party
16th September 2007

Rotary Club Edmonton invited us to their annual garden party. They presented us with a cheque for £1,000 & had a raffle which raised another £310.00.
The Rotary Club Edmonton have purchased Harvey a scooter which he loves very much. We are also very grateful for the help from individual Rotary Club members.

We would like to thank the Rotary Club & members for there kind support,
understanding, kindness.

Thank you Rotary Club Edmonton for your caring hand.

Rotary Club Edmonton Garden Party 1
Cheque presented by President Peter
Rotary Club Edmonton Garden Party 2 Rotary Club Edmonton Garden Party 3
Rotary Club Edmonton Garden Party 4

20 October 2007

Suave Magazine held a event to celebrate black history Month and the success of black owned businesses. It was held at the Marriott Hotel Blackfriars. Many Young Black aspiring Entrepreneurs showed exhibits of their products and services from consultancy and Management agencies to young poets and musicians. The event was a huge success. Many people went on stage to explain their business ideas and success, the event also raised £262.50 for the Harvey Parry Appeal Fund.Since then a further £362.83 has been donated from the associates of this history event.Thankyou Suave magazine for your continued support. Suave can be found in major outlets such as WH Smith and Magazine outlets suppliers up and down the country on your Local high streets.

BIBA Awards
26 October 2007

THE BIBA AWARDS, held at the Marriott in Marble Arch was a spectacular event held in conjunction with black history month and their 12th annual award since starting. This was indeed a grand affair, the organisers and event coordinators choose The Harvey Parry Appeal Fund together with the sickle cell foundation as this years charities to support, Many aspiring individuals were commended for their efforts in life with Oscars being given out. It was a plush posh dinner with guest speakers from all over the globe every body draped in their finest dresses being a black tie event. Ben TV was there to record the award Moments oscars and ceremony together with many well known individuals whom have donated years to communities and good causes. The event was huge and at the end of the evening raised over £1300.00 which was then split between The harvey parry Appeal fund and The sickle cell Society. Well done to Dr Yvonne Thompson at awardis /asap who started this event 12 years ago to recognize and acknowledge black women throughout the globe. Since then Many of your associates have contacted the Harvey Parry Appeal Fund to offer their services . Thank you for your support.

Rasheed Show
21 November 2007

The Rasheed show and Guru of life style living, raised £214.00 at a event held at the British Library Organisation and consul king Cross. Please see the one minute appeal recorded by the Rasheed show in support of the Harvey Parry appeal Fund

The Rasheed Show-One Minute Appeal

Right Time Productions
1 December 2007
Right Time Productions  event 1Right Time Productions 2Right Time Productions 3Right Time Productions 4Right Time Productions 5Right Time Productions 6 Right Time Productions 7Right Time Productions 8

Right time Productions held a event 1st december 2007 at this event, the Harvey Parry Appeal fund exhibited a display and held a raffle Olu worked tirelessly all night and at the end of the evening the event raised £1,300.00 pounds a further £1,000.00 was donated by Right Time Productions , since then to date a further £1,984.00 pounds has been donated from this event from the wonderful people who attended altogether this event has raised £3,984.00.

We would like to say a very big thank you to Right Time Productions , Janet kay, Carol Thompson, who donated their beautiful voices, Mava Rollins from raynham School and her colleagues who lobbyed people to buy raffles, Eric her Partner, Her Grandson but most of all to the event organises who allowed us to be there with our display of Harvey's plight.

Thank you also for the beautiful flowers presented to us. Well done Right Time productions you are our biggest sponsor so far right up to Friday the 4th July 2008 donations from your event have gone into Harvey's fund account via standing orders. We have just checked Your Grand total so far donated from yourself & supported associates is £4,094.00 thank you.

Right Time Productions 9Right Time Productions 10Right Time Productions 11
Right Time Productions 12Right Time Productions 13
Right Time Productions 13Right Time Productions 14

Raynham School Edmonton
12 December 2007

Marva Rollins Head of Raynham Primary School Edmonton has worked endlessly and become a leading charity event organiser and supporter for the Harvey Parry Appeal fund. Her Connections and efforts so far have raised Just Over £5000.00. She continues to be supportive and is now totally involved in our weekly fundraising as well as being on hand virtually 24 hours a day whenever things get tough. she has also held too many events on behalf of The Harvey Parr y Appeal Fund to mention, from non uniform days to tin rattling in the playground as well as reaching out to the immediate comminiuty for fundraising and putting collection tins in shops only to say that without her our spirits would have given up and that she is a true angel and credit to the fund together with her school colleagues and family she has basically taken on all aspects of fundraising and is a driving force of enthusiasm.

We as a family would like to extend a special thank you to all Raynham Primary school, children, parents and staff too many to mention. Diane whom co-ordinates a lot of fund raising, local shops and Marvas friends, family and partner Eric whom has also worked endlessly for the Harvey Parry Appeal Fund. Special thanks for the banner donated and paid for by Raynham school that got our message across to the public and saves my voice a little from shounting on the streets. Carol for your kindness in donating presents given to you that youv,e raffled to raise funds for the appeal, you are all truly lovely people.

To the children of Raynham school Can i send you all a big kiss and cuddle. Thank you for working so hard to raise funds and making Harvey so happy when he visits your school, on serveral occassions you have all played with him but our last visit on June 25th when Harvey played ball in the playground it really lifted his spirit , words cannot express his body language at your efforts in making him feel so welcome and included in your play.

Father Christmas Visits Harvey , Rotary Club Edmonton
12 December 2007
Father Christmas Visits Harvey , Rotary Club Edmonton 1 Father Christmas Visits Harvey , Rotary Club Edmonton 2 Father Christmas Visits Harvey , Rotary Club Edmonton 3

What a beautiful Organisation this is. The rotary Club Edmonton really care about people. Time and time again Rotary club are always there in support of Harvey.

This Year all the members on their annual christmas collection through the streets, Stopped off to drop christmas presents to Harvey and Sharna.

We really wanted to say thank you for their continued support not only to Harvey but to our whole family. Merry Xmas to all you wonderful charity people who give up your time to make others like my family very happy and this year indeed you made Harvey's christmas.

Your donations of the slide, the great big fluffy horse which by the way helps harvey to clammer on to the sofa and reach things was extremely appreciated by Harvey. He really enjoys the car presents too.

Can I say a Humongous thank you to Rotary club Edmonton for all the specialist toys you have bought Harvey which has helped him in his recovery of occupational health.

If you live in Edmonton Please give generously this christmas to the Rotary Club and continue to support them with your donations because one day you never know these people may be supporting you.

Thank you again Rotary Edmonton for your careful selection of supportive toys for harvey which help him occupationally, physically and developmentally. All the things you have bought Harvey are selected with such care. The family are immensely grateful.

Father Christmas Visits Harvey , Rotary Club Edmonton 4
Father Christmas Visits Harvey , Rotary Club Edmonton 5
Father Christmas Visits Harvey , Rotary Club Edmonton 6
Father Christmas Visits Harvey , Rotary Club Edmonton 7 Father Christmas Visits Harvey , Rotary Club Edmonton 8 Father Christmas Visits Harvey , Rotary Club Edmonton 9
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