8 Different ways to 'GIVE it up for HARVEY?'
- SPONSOR Tommy and Kim Cloherty £1.00 PER MILE, for each mile run to keep Harvey walking.
- UNITE as a FAMILY, order a tin and collectively put £3.25 a weekin the tin over 8 weeks to raise £26 FOR HARVEY
- Order a tin and BRING A PACKED LUNCH to work one day a week instead of buying your lunch and put the money in the tin.
- SMOKE one LESS packet of cigarettes FOR 8weeks and donate the money to HARVEY
- Ask your LOCAL GROUP or CONGREGATION to join in and SIGN UP for their individual tins
- ORGANISE a 'Give it up for Harvey!' EVENT in your school, workplace, organisation or congregation to raise funds for Harvey
- JOIN the PARRY FAMILY on the streets to RAISE FUNDS for HARVEY
- And last but never least PRAY for SUCCESS for the PARRY FAMILY