Make a difference
to Harvey's life. Give
him support, through
your donation. This
will enable us to buy
the best limbs,
resources and
equipment in the

Thank you so much.

Thank You All For
Your Donations.

Latest Pages - You need Internet Explorer to view these pages

Harvey Gets New Walking & Running Legs From Hanger Prosthetics Florida April 2010


Daily Mirror
Boy who lost both
his legs to
meningitis scoops
four gold medals at
international championships for
disabled athletes
- 5/07/2011
Enfield Independent
Brave amputee Harvey, 5, starts school with new

22 Sept 2010
Enfield Independent
Great North runner races for Enfield schoolboy Harvey Parry
16 Sept 2010
Daily Mirror
Meningitis boy
Harvey Parry starts school with new hi-tech legs
17 Sept 2010
Daily Mirror
Harvey's got new
legs.. all thanks to Mirror readers
5 May 2010
BBC News
Cash found for London meningitis boy's prosthetic

9 April 2010

Daily Mirror
Enfield Advertiser
ABC7 News
Harvey Makes

24th July 09
Tottenham and Wood Green Journal
Enfield Advertiser

Bank Account Details UK
Name: Harvey Parry Appeal Fund
Barclays Bank: Sort Code: 20-29-90
Account No:10628034
Harvey's 1st Trip To New York - To Buy A New Pair Of Legs

Other New York Trips

 Physiotherapy & Mobility Training.
 19 Oct - 31- October 08

Harvey's Grown 2nd Set Of Legs From New York.
 8 May - 15 June 09

Harvey Gets New Running Legs From New York.
17 July - 3rd September 09

 Physiotherapy & Mobility Training.
19 October - 11 November 09

Harvey Gets New Walking & Running Legs From Hanger Prosthetics Florida April 2010

June 29 2008
It has been almost a year of fundraising to raise the money for harvey's legs. Today is Sunday we can't eat, we can't sleep, we are jittery, tomorrow morning at 9am your donated money will take Harvey to New York to buy his new legs. Have a look at www.prostheticsinmotion.com  whom we have now moved to and buy harveys legs from. Previsouly we were with the company below.
June 30 2008

Today 30th June was our big day for Harvey we arrived the clinic in New York at 9am. The facility is very impressive. They showed us around the workshops and specialist finishing departments. Harvey had his stumps measured up and cast for fitting of new legs. Which was quite dramatic because after his experiences in London he was kicking and screaming all over the place. By 12.30 they had a test socket for him to try on. It actually fitted really well and tomorrow at 8 am we will come back for a another fitting called a diagnostic plastic fit.

July 1st 2008
Harvey takes 1st steps 1
Harvey takes 1st steps 2
Harvey takes 1st steps 3 Harvey takes 1st steps 4
Harvey realises no pain wearing legs 1 Harvey realises no pain wearing legs 2
1st July we arrive at 8am the diagnostic plastic socket with knees that bend and shoes was ready for Harvey to try on. After lots of screaming kicking, punching and biting we eventually got the sockets on and Harvey realised he could stand up for the first time with no pain and in comfort he took his first steps with the aid of the physiotherapist. Monday Harvey was casted for the legs. Today he tried on a test diagnostic socket with knees and he stood up tall and his face was so happy you could see he is comfortable and his physiotherapist is a man but his like a mummy, nanny and is excellent at playing with Harvey, today he wrapped this Scooby do material round Harvey and said lets make you a cloak and preceded to walk Harvey in the new legs it was amazing the way he worked with Harvey, the smile and laughter on Harvey’s face said it all, he was able to stand on his own and made a few steps with his help. We now Know that the NHS could never provide this type of positive treatment, they are really brilliant here. There was a lot of screaming to begin with, Through fear I think and the experience Harvey has had in England, these people conquered this. Within 2 hours Harvey was laughing and staring at himself being tall, have a look at the video, I think you’ll have a tear in your eye. We certainly did and had to leave the building to get our emotions in check. It was overwhelming to see Harvey laughing and feeling secure that eventually he has a comfortable fit. Back tomorrow to start the long course of gait training in the legs.
Harvey taking a break for a grouling schedule Harveys a celeb
Steps of courage 1 Steps of courage 2
Steps of courage 3 Steps of courage 4
Steps of courage 5 Steps of courage 6
David & amey with harvey in central park doing enviroment training 1 David with harvey in central park doing enviroment training 1
David with harvey in central park doing enviroment training 2 David with harvey in central park doing enviroment training 3
2nd July 2008
Just look at this 2 days in the legs and Harvey is already standing tall and balancing on his own. Step ahead gave him a little frame to walk with. See the video but his such a conqueror that within 2 hours of using it he said I don't want this and just pushed it out the way and was off. He said to his physiotherapist I want to walk outside so he took him into the car park and harvey was away.

Look at the determination in his face as he tries some practice steps in the training room. Last Night in our Hotel, Harvey had us up till 3 am playing who's it in the corridor till eventually we was so tired we had to do one arm and one leg to get him back to the room and then we all went to bed.
3rd July 2008
We arrive at step ahead prosthetics for training at 8.30 am extremely tired except for harvey who's ready to go.
The director of the company Erik comes to the training floor and starts exercising harvey on the floor. Erik wants to ascertain harvey's level of strength when sitting down It was so wonderful to see this man make a strengthening exercise play.They really are hands on here, even the director gets down on the floor and inspects every detail Harvey loves a ruff and tumble, Because his hips are stiff he tests harvey's reflexes
by playing with him on the floor harvey really enjoyed the play as Erik checks his hip posture, He did,t even know he was exercising.

Today harvey does lots of floor work and they make some minor adjustments to the leg. What was so nice was they actually took harvey into the workshop so he could see them doing the adjustment they just said lets go to the bob the builder room. This Was excellent because it lets harvey know that if there is an area of discomfort he can now communicate and watch then change it. This way of working really gives harvey the confidence. after this harvey was again very positive and walking tall with no frame.

See the video at the end of this session Harvey's shouting for Erik to come back and play. They have Two great playrooms here one with a fire engine and one with many different toys and harvey's Physiotherapist says today he wants harvey to play and practice getting up and sitting down and reaching for things
in the playroom. He is so enthusiastic harvey thinks this is a fun place he does not even know he is doing leg exercise, back 7th july as tomorrow is independence day. July 4th.

Stepahead team

Many Thanks For Your Support

trio hardware store
Harvey gets new bike from trios
Trio Hardware
Plainview Diner




Main event diner 1 Main event diner 2 Main event diner 3
The Main Event
Front cover 1 Front cover 1 Baskin Robbins
Front Cover
Baskin Robbins
Bethpage-Plainview Rotary Club Monthly Meeting
Bethpage-Plainview Rotary Club Monthly Meeting 1 Bethpage-Plainview Rotary Club Monthly Meeting 2 Bethpage-Plainview Rotary Club Monthly Meeting 3
Bethpage-Plainview Rotary Club Monthly Meeting 4 Bethpage-Plainview Rotary Club Monthly Meeting 5 Parry family & manager of Marriot Hicksville


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